Tuesday, April 14, 2009

#13~how we spent the weekend!!

Our ongoing kitchen reno! All the kitchen cupboards had to be moved up 1 1/2 inches, and over 1/2 inch, both for code and for esthetics~they weren't all centered to begin with and we discovered that in some places they weren't even screwed into the studs! We have a mix of old and new cupboards, the new ones being freshly made by longengagementgroom! And he installed the new microwave/fan combo! Next up~new counter top~time to get cracking choosing taps and sinks. This is going to be fabulous when it's all done!


  1. looking great!!!! wonderful work and it will be wonderful when it's done!!!

  2. pretty stove! we're hoping to get new countertops fairly soon.

  3. Are you still in a cast doing this work?

  4. Yup! Altho it's the Man doing most of it~I'm just a hindrance~um, I mean, helper!
