Monday, June 29, 2009

# 23~

It's occurred to me that I'm no longer planning a wedding. I'm not blogging about weddings. I'm planning to sell some of the things I aquired for my now not-happening wedding. So I think it's time to retire this blog for awhile, and travel over to:

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

# 22~found it!!!

The artist is Aqualung, the song 'Brighter Than Sunshine'

will try to post the video later, right now, off to work! Hope everyone has a great day!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

# 21~in search of a music video...

So in the last month or so I saw a music video on one of the many blogs I frequent. Stupidly, I didn't save it anywhere, and can't remember who the artist was or the name of the song! My laptop has had an upgrade of some sort in the last week and somehow it's screwed up my history~so that's no help. So I'm hoping someone in blog-land can help me. The man played piano and sounded kinda like Ben Folds. He had dark framed glasses and brown hair. Not alot to go on I know!! Anyone???

Friday, June 12, 2009

# 20

Life has been so much better this week! We've gotten most of the outside painting done~the joys of living in a strata~you get a 'make work project' for years even if you prefer the look of unpainted wood and concrete, if that's what the majority wants...We had a mid-week date night at one of the nearby pubs. And I won 2 tickets to see the Blind boys of Alabama and Ruthie Foster! The concert is Sunday night so yay for us~another date night!

I've been entering a bunch of contests lately and have won all the lovely things in these photos! I blogged about the hairpiece from Tigerlily Jewelery in an earlier post~isn't it gorgeous? The birdcage veil is by Jennifer Leigh Veils ( via Wedding Chicks.( It's covered in crystals and is just stunning! We are all about sparkle in this house! The 'Drops of Sunshine' necklace is made by Lillyella (, Mine has a clear crystal. Her designs are beautiful with a vintagey feel. I didn't stop with the necklace~I had to have the matching earrings and decided to get the 'Ginko' pearl necklace and earrings for my daughter! I chose the 'Pig' fabric to make something for my Mom~she has collected pigs for years. Maybe an apron top? Anyone have any ideas? It came from via a contest on the Hip Hostess blog ( I've been incredibly lucky and I'm thinking I should buy a lottery ticket!

Hope you are all having a good week too!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


May was full of tension and turmoil so I'm hoping June will be a better month. Right now I'm not positive where my relationship is going, and I'm not wearing my ring, even tho I could, with the cast and swelling both gone. I'm just not sure that I 'feel' engaged these days, not sure I want to be either. Just trying to take things one day at a time...

My daughter's high school convocation is this weekend. My Mom and Sister are flying in to join us! I'm taking this week off to spruce the place up. The kitchen is not finished so there's much 'sprucing' to be done! Plus some outside painting, some planting. The family will be together twice in only a few weeks~gotta be a record!!