Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So the mister went in to work today~they've been working 2 hours O/T every night for weeks, plus 4-8 hours on Saturdays, the project is a bit behind! The site is on the sketchy side of town, and at the end of the day,he found his driver's side window punched in, glass everywhere and his tools missing. He had the parking attendant call the security guard, but they hadn't seen anything. Then the attendant (the same one) tried to charge him 6 bucks for his parking! Um, no. So we spent the afternoon cleaning up glass bits and taping poly where the window used to be. Hopefully his employer will help out with the tool loss...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear this. Especially the attendant who tried to charge him! Hang in there . . .
